Sunday, February 15, 2009

Post Valentines day post (pun intended)

First and foremost, i hope that everyone had a romantic and fantastic Valentines day with your loved ones, be it with your friends, parents or lover. I happened to spend Valentines day out in town with a friend and what i saw simply amuses me. On that day itself, orchard was simply packed with couples that were specially dressed up for the occasion, exactly what was shown in the video. every couple, if not, almost all, had a bouquet of flowers in the girl's hands. What really amused me is the expression they had on their face. i could tell that having to carry a bouquet of flowers and shopping at the same time was more of a chore to the girls. Having to carry a bouquet of flowers means having to hold it at chest level throughout the date, and can be considered tiring for them. Some girls simply let or maybe, demanded that their boyfriends carry for them. What appeared ironic to me is that typically, girls like to receive flowers on a date no matter how inconvenient, impractical and expensive it may be. I do believe and hear of stories of girls actually kicking up a fuss over not receiving anything on a valentines day.To some, it may be seen that giving flowers symbolises the love of a guy to the girl. Yes, i couldnt agree more. However, in my own opinion, every single relationship is unique on its own and hard to establish. How much a guy loves a girl shouldnt be weighed against how much he spends on the girl. what i feel is that a relationship should be forged based on the amount of commitment, understanding, love, and faith that both parties put in the relationship. However, sadly to say, the phenomenon that is showing globally seems to imply that people tend to think that the values of gifts corresponds to the amount of love they have for each other. Take giving flowers for example, for most guys, including myself, should have already figured out how impractical, unwise, expensive buying flowers can be. Afterall, flowers wither after a few days yet they cost over a hundred bucks during valentines day season. For the guys, it is the trend and the pressure that leave them no choice but to succumb to the society's perceptions. As for the girls, they are generally made to think that presents symbolise how much the girl means to the guy. Sadly but truely, we ought to be able to have the courage to separate ourselves and not be influenced by common beliefs.


  1. Hi,, I agree with you that how much we love someone cannot be measured by how much we spend our money for him/her........ :D

    R all d girls expect flowers????? If yes,, then I'm a little bit abnormal,,, :D
    I don't expect flowers from guys in valentine's day.............

    For me,, giving a quality time is more important than giving gifts.....

    Nice topic,,,,, :D

  2. And then there are some guys who genuinely express their feelings to the other party, only to have it thrown back at his face.

    As a fellow guy, i feel that i have to warn you about girls like this.

    Choose carefully my friend....

  3. In the age of consumerism, retailers and shop owners have been looking forward to this day of the year more than couples themselves. The mere profit and surge in revenue can never be more timing in the light of looming global economic meltdown.

    Just in Singapore per se, the restaurants and cafe owners appear to have a common understanding that despite the global economic slowdown, Singaporeans will still be willing to spend on this supposedly special occasion of the year.

    With reference to the economic point of view, it is good news as increased spending will ease the already halting cash flow in the market today. In the big picture, increased spending equates to more profits which in turns translates to better job security.

    Otherwise, if one look at this issue from the very origin of this special day, the meaning of this very special day has been diluted to negligence with the price tag associated with the amount of love you have for your other partner. Individuals have the tendency to compare with their peers how grand their valentines' was spent, which accounts for yet another factor for the dilution of the meaning of love behind all the actions.

    In short, valentine's day is at best an euphemism for lovely-dovey to get together on this special day of the day in today's modern society. Shocking as it may seem, but realistic it definitely is. Nonetheless, the essence of love as faint as it may seem now should and must never be lost at our generation.

  4. true enough... i agree with u. no matter how commercialised this day has become, valentines day itself should never be lost. sadly it is useless to remember this day if the true meaningful of valentines day is distorted and misinterpreted, just like what we have seen today.

  5. Sad but true as you have mentioned our perception of commercialized Valentine’s Day is what it is today, so prominently inescapable. The ‘script’ that everyone follows for this occasion has created a window of opportunities for enterprises (selling flowers in your video, raising prices etc) leaving consumers like yourself pondering if ‘love’ is measurable in metrics. At the end of the day, we are the cause of the construction of such conformed perceptions which leaves us little choice but to embrace it.

  6. if love could be measured by the number of stalks of roses, i guess roses would be extinct. its disappointing to see so many people being caught up in this heavily commercialised event. florists and many businessmen love valentines day as it would mean a surge in their revenue for that week. no one is the real culprit here as we choose to adhere to the culture. we follow scripts to be safe. we dare not take the risk to offend our other party, lest we incur her wrath.
    however, not all girls are like this. i know of some who are perfectly happy with a casual meal and no flowers. to them, valentines' day is everyday and i agree with them
