Monday, March 16, 2009

All about me.

woooo... i realise that my blog isnt complete without photos of the owner of this blog. so here i am, ready to introduce life to this blog by adding photos of myself! and Miss Hui, this is not an official blog entry. So please do not grade this entry. thanks! So here goes!

Now i feel i have more ownership for this blog after adding my photos. hahahaha and i still think i look best when people look at me from this angle. Dont you agree more?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

entry for the module.

This is gonna be the last entry for my comms blog. im already have a sense of belonging for this blog i feel. I guess 10 years down the road, if i ever come across this blog again, it would definitely bring back so much memories. Days when i had to rush to post an entry before sunday 12midnight. Days when i had to spend hours to come up with a topic to touch on. How i went around asking people to comment on my blog. how i spent hours blog hopping and commenting on other blogs in exchange for comments on mine. hahaha. how nostalgic isnt it.

ok. organisation communications. An organisation is a system consisting of a large number of people working together in a structured to accomplish multiple goals. i ask myself. is it relevant to students like us? do we establish this kind of communication in our everyday lives? actually no. someone correct me if im wrong. but i guess i can share my view on how i think about organisational communications.

organisational communications should be distinct from social communications, the reason being that there is a structure of hierarchy in the former one. however, im not saying that interpersonal relationship should not exist in an organisation. for example, an employee should not be using a tone he would use when communicating with his friends to his employer. however, it is also essential to establish good relationship so as to create a better working environment for both. what do you say? do u prefer to befriend someone of higher authority or do you distance yourself from your employers? comment!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

6th post ( and 1 more to go)

In Singapore, people, especially teenagers can be so hooked on to computer mediated communication tools like facebook and msn so much so that they actually spend less time on face to face communications. is that a good phenomenon? does that mean teenagers are basically more technology savvy as compared to people of the past? I beg to differ. i see it as a degeneration of communication skills and the degradation of interpersonal relationships.

How much can you know about someone by just communicating with him online? The answer is, not much. It is hard to find out about one's character and personalities by communicating with his virtual self. The information presented to you is usually biased towards the individual and therefore highly unreliable. Human perception and opinion of someone are highly accurate when one is able to observe the person's behavior, emotions and expressions. Computer mediated communications are channels which have limitations over these aspects. It would not be surprising if the person you are communicating turns out to be someone who is completely different from what you thought he would be. This is highly possible because it is so easy to fabricate information about yourself which is not true. In fact, the only way to understand someone is to have personal experiences with him and also establish communication on a face to face basis.

Personally, i think that computer mediated communication tools are essential to expand our social networks. however, we should not be too reliant on such channels as these tools only serve to build the foundations of interpersonal relationships, and not anything beyond that level. so fellow people, are u one who is obsessed with msn or facebook? how different do u see yourself as a person compared to your virtual self?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

5th post

ok... I'm so lagging behind schedule. one mid term exam and my time management has gone haywire. but i do agree that midterm exam acts as a gauge to the progress of my academic status. i must admit. i am someone who has to be pushed in order to reach out to my full potential. that aside, lets see what i have learnt so far for my comms module. yes.. international communication. it was the topic covered for this week. indeed, international communication is important and i do envy people who have overseas penpals or friends. it feels so different from having friends you see and interact with everyday.

The main difference between a close proximity communication and an international one lies in the culture of the individuals involved. Culture is an invisible control mechanism operating in our thoughts which kicks in only when we are severely challenged. it affects our thinking, which in turn influences our actions. how many of you actually find it hard to mix people who do not share a common interest or people who simply irritate u with their behaviors and actions? i cant help it but i do have a whole list of people in mind that i dislike. if u think that disliking someone within a close proximity is already bad enough, think of someone who is of a different culture from u. let me cite an example. we may prefer someone who is generous to someone who is self centered. however, in actual fact, he may be brought up in an environment where thriftiness is a virtue. so now, you cant really blame him to behave in such a way, can you? In my opinion, in order to establish a relationship that isnt superficial, we need to fully understand the character of the person we are trying to communicate, regardless of the culture he was from. some people can be real jerks as an individual but yet can be a real reliable friend. what say you people? do you have friends who are real nasty yet you find that you are able to click well with them? how do you decide what type of people to befriend?