Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my virgin post (feel free to comment!)



As the articles speak for themselves, two drivers are depicted as inconsiderate, selfish, inexperienced, or even "kayu" (word used in the article) from the way they parked their cars into two parking lots. Indeed, anyone, with just a glimpse of the pictures, would definitely jump to the conclusions at how inconsiderate these two drivers can be. As a driver myself, I understand the frustrations of the person who sent in the photos, especially if he happens to be a driver himself who is desperately looking for a parking lot at that point of time. Let us put it this way. Imagine you are driving and are already late for work, desperately looking for a parking space, suddenly manages to spot an empty lot. You are thrilled with excitement. Upon driving closer, you realise that the lot is actually blocked by some bugger who parked his car into half of the empty lot. As a result, you waste precious time looking for another one, thanks to a foolish yet selfish act committed by an inconsiderate soul. He, who selfishly does things as he pleases without sparing a thought for others, gets away scotfree while you, on the other hand, who did nothing wrong, have to bear the consequences of being late.

No matter how much I penalize the selfish drivers and their acts, I am ashamed and have to admit that i do park my car into two parking lots once in a blue moon (I only do that when the moon happens to be blue on that night. You can imagine how rare that is). Be it due to my inexperience ( p-plater) or simply in the need to rush off, sometimes I do find myself occupying two parking lots even when i did not have the intention to. However, I make it a point to adjust my car into the lot if I see that there are not many parking spaces available. Otherwise, if my car happens to be just one of the five cars in the entire multi-storey carpark, i would usually leave my car as it is. However, my perception changed when i was browsing through STOMP and chanced upon the two articles.

Online discussion forums have become a space for commoners like us to vent our frustrations, voice out our unhappiness, complain about something that happened, or even whine about an issue. They are virtual, yet lethal and powerful. This source of communication creates a very effective way for everyone, and anyone to discuss on any topic under the sun. Under the CONTEXTS OF COMMUNICATION, it is not easy to find INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION, GROUP COMMUNICATION, MASS COMMUNICATION, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION, PERSUASION, and it's most fundamental aspect, ONLINE COMMUNICATION, in the forums we see around. Media, in this case, STOMP, has become a sort of pushing force that has control over the lives of the people. Take myself for example. After knowing that even the slightest act of accidental parking into two parking lots can make me end up in the hall of shame, I began to double check my car's position whenever i come out of my car. I personally believe that this phenomenon happens to everyone, not just me alone. I personally feel that the media, in this case, has passively moulded the society into a better place. In my opinion, the reason why i think forums are effective in creating an impact in our actions and behaviors is simply because it uses a two way approach. This can be illustrated by the TRANSACTIONAL MODEL OF COMMUNICATION. Ok bear with me for a while. TRANSACTIONAL MODEL OF COMMUNICATION is a process of mutual influence with both parties being the senders/ receivers, and encoders/ decoders. As such, it is the most accurate representation of the communication process. Stomp, itself, is a perfect demonstration of the above model. For example, Mr A may post his encounter on the forum. Subsequently, the post is read by Mr B. At this stage, Mr A is representing the "encoder" and Mr B is the "decoder".After reading the post, Mr B decides to send in his comments regarding Mr A's encounter to Mr A. As a result, Mr B ends up being the "encoder" and Mr A being the "decoder". This puts both parties in the roles of the communicators. Communication is best established when there is a two-way communication. And yes, this form of communication can take place within minutes and the conversation can be kept going on as long as both parties are online. From what I have elaborated, communications indeed, does play a major part in affecting our thinking and behavior.

Ok. So next time when you are about to do something that is morally wrong, think twice. You might end up becoming the headline of the hall of shame in online forums!